Scholarship in Benin Republic

Scholarship in Benin Republic

KAYJITO Foundation Scholarship

KAYJITO Foundation Scholarship in Benin Republic has been established by the board of the organization to provide full tuition funding for undergraduate student from Nigeria demonstrating exceptional academic merit, who may be prevented from taking up their course of study due to financial circumstances. The foundation will provide internship support to enable scholars to pursue insight and experience into their chosen career paths. This scholarship is sponsored by Mr. Kanny Joelson the founder of Kayjito Foundation.

“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.”
― Thucydides

Eligibility Criteria:
The applicant must be a current Citizen of Benin Republic, Nigeria and Cameroon, and provide documents providing proof of residency (provide documentation of having resided in Benin Republic, Nigeria and Cameroon for the past 12 consecutive months).

The applicant must meet all university admission requirements as delineated in the KAYJITO Catalog. (See the Catalog for complete requirements-below lists are condensed).

Undergraduate (Bachelor of Science):

  1. Be at least 18 years of age.
  2. Have earned an Associate’s degree from an appropriately accredited institution or have completed at least 60 semester college credit hours, and submit proof of a High School Diploma.
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0
  4. Have completed a college level English and Math course with a grade of “C” or better.

Graduate (Master of Science)

  1. Be at least 18 years of age.
  2. Have earned a Bachelor’s degree from an appropriately accredited institution.
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.5

Award Application:
Each applicant must submit a formal request letter addressing the following topics:

  1. The reason for requesting the award.
  2. Personal and professional goals.
  3. A brief personal and professional history/biography.
  4. Provide full contact information.
  5. The letter must be free of mechanical errors, grammatically correct, and appropriately formatted.

Maintaining the Scholarship:
In order to maintain the scholarship from term to term, the recipient must meet KAYJITO foundation “Criteria for Maintaining Continual Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)” (GPA, course completion rate, etc.) as delineated in the KAYJITO foundation.  If the awardee does not maintain SAP, the scholarship will no longer be awarded.  Once the student is no longer on Academic Probation the scholarship will be reinstated.

KAYJITO foundation in partnership with Estag sc University  in Benin republic has begun the implementation of a brand-new scholarship program in the Republic of Benin

This is a convenient financial aid designed to help individuals to earn their BSC degree in the Estag sc university

To request information please contact us at Request Information

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